Write a boolean recursive function receive two strings and checks if one is reflection of the other
Strings are one mirror of the other:
"abcd" "dcba"
"$" "$"
"" "" (empty string)
Strings are not mirror one to the other:
"axcd" "dcba"
Write main function to check the strings to the output
("Reverse" must not be used)
# recursive function to check if a == reflection of b
# abcd == dcba
# ascd != asrc
def is_mirror(a, b):
if len(a) != len(b):
# both strings must be the same length
return False
if a == "":
# both string are empty, return true
return True
if a[0] == b[-1]:
# first char of a == last char of b
return is_reflection(a[1:], b[:-1]) # remove the first char of a, and remove the last char of b
return False
if __name__ == '__main__':
str1 = "dcba"
str2 = "abcd"
if is_mirror(str1, str2):
print(str1 + " is a mirror of " + str2)
print(str1 + " is not a mirror of " + str2)